Dienstag, 22. Juli 2008

PostHeaderIcon iPhone Development

The easyness of creating a small application for the iPhone is only blocked by the uneasyness of getting the UIKit to do what you want it to. But I'm getting the hang on it.
Montag, 21. Juli 2008

PostHeaderIcon Homepage Progress

The new homepage is slowly but steadily progressing towards its release state.

There is only one major block that has to be adressed before it will got publically live and thats the shop component that has some pretty bad visual problems on a different browsers.
Montag, 14. Juli 2008

PostHeaderIcon iPhone Development

Finally the iPhone OS 2.0 launch has happened, which means that we got added as iPhone developers by Apple and so we will be able to develop on our iPhones and iPod Touches. We requested those certificates early during the beta, but as only very few devs and even fewer devs from Europe were choosen, we had to wait until know.
Once we get our certificate, the "party can start".

We already have initial prototypes up on the simulator but have not been able to test them as the prototypes involve gyro interaction.

The next months will be very interesting and intense. But we are really looking forward to the new experiences and possibilities we have now with all the different technologies available which we use for develoment and/or for which we offer services like Realm Crafter, Unity3D and RCScript

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