We are still working on the new page to make it a consistent and pleasant experience for all.
The technical side is progressing pretty well, actually that well that it allowed us to create a small download portal for testers of our technology.
What thought will need more time than expected is the visual aspect as we decided that the old design won't fit with the new capabilities and the new direction of our company anymore.
In the future we will focus on two major sectors, which are iPhone Development and MMO related technology for Indie Developers.
While we are still in the research and initial development phase for our initial iPhone title, we recently have been contracted to create a new MMO technology. This means that we are currently contracted to work on two distinct MMO technologies for two different parties. This gives us insight in various aspects of the MMO technology development and the strategies that can be followed to reach the final target, as the targets between the two couldn't differ more.